Wavelab 5 Windows 7 Fix

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0 and Cubase 7 Elements problems. I have another laptop which I use solely for making music with Cubase 7 elements. It was working fine running on Windows 8.

Ahh, so I am not the only one.!! Thanks, I will check over in the Steinberg forum but if anyone has any idea's let me know. Not played about too much but I only tried as I was going to slice up a hot off the 7.01 press / 44.1/16 file. I notice in that other thread it may be different bit rates?? Will have to try that tomorrow when I am back in the studio. Its only when I try to save.

Wavelab 5 Windows 7 Fix

Dunno if Sonar keeps hold of something when shut down. I have a similar problem (happened for years with different versions) with ProTools when I try to open Sonar after running it (PT) I get immediate crashes in Sonar. Reboot fixes that. I will also try editing one bounced out of Sonar 6.21 see if they open/save OK. Hi, No I still have this problem with Sonar 7.01. If I edit and save a 44.1 16 WAV exported with Sonar 6.21 I have no problem.

If I edit a file of the same spec with Sonar 7.01 It crashes and falls over. Broadcast Wav's If I export a 48 32 file in 7.01 it works fine.

If I export a 44.1 32 file in 7.01 it works fine If I export a 44.1 24 file in 7.01 it works fine If I export a 44.1 16 file in 7.01 it crashes Since it still works (still) with exported files on Sonar 6.21 then I am assuming this is a bug in 7.01 unless someone can convince me otherwise. Any takers to test a Wav file?

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