300 Absolutely Essential Gre Words Pdf

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Introduce something into another thing already in existence; Combine: Term.

GRE Word List There are several free and favorite lists available on the internet from 'Barron's,' 'GRE Big Book.' This list is exclusively compiled by our team, and we keep on adding important words. Try to learn as many words as you can. Following words are arranged in increasing order of complexity.

GRE Word List - 1 examining one's own thoughts and feelings one who loves mankind medicine used against a poison or a disease to make great efforts, to struggle able to use the left hand or the right equally well Looking back on past a person or thing that precedes, as in a process or job.

Cards Term Facetious Definition Adj. Humorous Term Facilitate Definition V. To make less difficult Term Fallacious Definition Adj. Based on a false idea or fact; Misleading Term Fatuous Definition Adj. Foolishly self-satisfied Term Fawning Definition Adj. Seeking favor by flattering Term Felicitous Definition Adj. Suitably expressed; Appropriate; Well-chosen Term Flag Definition V.

To droop; Grow weak Term Fledgling Definition N. Beginner; Novice Term Flout Definition V.

To treat scornfully Term Foment Definition V. To incite; Arouse Term Forestall Definition V. To prevent; Delay Term Frugality Definition N. Thrift Term Gainsay Definition V. To deny; Dispute; Oppose Term Garrulous Definition Adj. Very talkative; Wordy Term Goad Definition V. To prod; Urge on Term Gouge Definition V.

To tear out; Scoop out; Overcharge Term Grandiloquent Definition Adj. Pompous; Bombastic Term Gregarious Definition Adj. Sociable Term Guileless Definition Adj.

Free of cunning or deceit; Artless Term Gullible Definition Adj. Easily deceived Term Harangue Definition N.

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Long, pompous speech; Tirade Term Homogeneous Definition Adj. Composed of identical parts; Uniform in composition Term Hyperbole Definition N. Purposeful exaggeration for effect Term Iconoclastic Definition Adj.

Attacking cherished traditions Term Idolatry Definition N. Idol worship; Blind or excessive devotion Term Immutable Definition Adj. Unchangeable Term Impair Definition V. To damage; Injure Term Impassive Definition Adj. Showing no emotion Term Impede Definition V. To hinder; Block Term Impermeable Definition Adj.


Impossible to penetrate Term Imperturbable Definition Adj. Not easily disturbed Term Impervious Definition Adj. Impossible to penetrate; Incapable of being affected Term Implacable Definition Adj. Inflexible; Incapable of being pleased Term Implicit Definition Adj.

Implied; Understood but not stated Term Implode Definition V. Collapse inward violently Term Inadvertently Definition Adv. Carelessly; Unintentionally Term Inchoate Definition Adj. Imperfectly formed or formulated Term Incongruity Definition N. State of not fitting Term Inconsequential Definition Adj.

Insignificant; Unimportant Term Incorporate Definition V. Introduce something into another thing already in existence; Combine Term Indeterminate Definition Adj.

Uncertain; Indefinite Term Indigence Definition N. Poverty Term Indolent Definition Adj. Habitually lazy; Idle Term Inert Definition Adj. Unable to move; Sluggish Term Ingenuous Definition Adj. Naive and tyrusting; Lacking sophistication Term Inherent Definition Adj.

Firmly established by nature or habit Term Innocuous Definition Adj. Harmless Term Insensible Definition Adj. Unconscious; Unresponsive Term Insinuate Definition V. To suggest; Say indirectly; Imply Term Insipid Definition Adj. Lacking in flavor; Dull Term Insularity Definition N. Narrow-mindedness; Isolation Term Intractable Definition Adj. Not easily managed Term Intransigence Definition N.

Stubborness; Refusal to compromise Term Inundate Definition V. To cover with water; Overwhelm Term Inured Definition V. Hardened; Accustomed; Used to Term Invective Definition N. Verbal abuse Term Irascible Definition Adj. Easily angered Term Irresolute Definition Adj. Unsure of how to act; weak Term Laconic Definition Adj. Using few words Term Lassitude Definition N.

Lethargy; Sluggishness Term Laud Definition V. To praise Term Lethargic Definition Adj.

Inactive Term Levee Definition N. An embankment that prevents a river from overflowing Term Levity Definition N. Light manner or attitude Term Log Definition N. Record of a voyage; Record of daily activities Term Loquacious Definition Adj. Talkative Term Lucid Definition Adj.

300 Absolutely Essential Gre Words Pdf

1500 Essential Gre Words

Bright; Clear; Intelligible Term Magnanimity Definition N. Generosity; Nobility Term Malinger Definition V. To feign illness to escape duty Term Malleable Definition Adj. Capable of being shaped by pounding; Impressionable Term Maverick Definition N. Dissenter Term Mendacious Definition Adj. Dishonest Term Metamorphosis Definition N.

Change; Transformation Term Meticulous Definition Adj. Very Careful; Fastidious Term Misanthrope Definition N. One who hates humanity Term Mitigate Definition V. To cause to become less harsh, severe, or painful; Alleviate Term Mollify Definition V. To soothe Term Morose Definition Adj. Ill humored; sullen Term Mundane Definition Adj.

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Worldly as opposed to spiritual; Concerned with the ordinary Term Negate Definition V. To cancel out; Nullify Term Neophyte Definition N.

Novice; Beginner Term Obdurate Definition Adj. Stubborn Term Obsequious Definition Adj. Overly submissive Term Obviate Definition V. To make unnecessary; To anticipate and prevent Term Occlude Definition V. To shut; Block Term Officious Definition Adj. Too helpful; Meddlesome Term Onerous Definition Adj. Burdensome Term Opprobrium Definition N.

Disgrace; Contempt Term Oscillate Definition V. To move back and forth Term Ostentatious Definition Adj. Showy; Trying to attract attention; Pretentions.