Rtc Client Api

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About the RTC Client API. The Real-time Communications (RTC) Client API is a set of COM interfaces and methods designed to create PC-PC, PC-phone, phone-phone audio.

This post is about what is available as API for RTC. I will try to provide you with some information about the available API’s. It was confusing to me in the beginning, so I assume others face the same problem. This post assumes you already read the post about. Contains references to the most important posts for beginners. Please also consider to look into the page for more examples and downloads.You should understand the if you want to do any extension or automation. The post is also a great resource to understand the basics.

The first API’s are only mentioned for completeness. They are not covered in this series of posts, but might be in the future. REST and OSLC APIs RTC provides some REST API’s that can be used to access and manipulate data. It also provides OSLC based APIs to access some of its data. See as an entry point. Post provides you with a different browser extension to use for creating REST and OSLC URL’s JavaScript API RTC provides a limited JavaScript API that can be used for. The JavaScript API is very limited and allows only to access attribute data in the context of the work item the attribute customization runs.

Rtc Client Api

See or go directly to the for some examples. Relevant links. Available Java APIs There are really two Java API’s available in RTC, and although they have much in common, there are differences that are important to understand if you want to use them. The following API’s are available. The Server API that is used in the server part of RTC (and JTS). The Client API that is used by the Eclipse Client and the Plain Java Client Libraries RTC Server API The RTC Server API is used in extensions to RTC that are deployed on the server.

Examples for these kind of extensions are Operation Advisors, Operation Participants, Server Tasks and other extensions that are run on the server. The RTC Server API is shipped with the RTC SDK that you. This API is typically found in packages called com.ibm.team.service and the interfaces are usually named.Service or.Server for example IWorkItemServer. This blog has several examples for how to extend RTC using the server API. For example.

RTC Common API Parts of the API are available on the client and on the server. The way you get the API depends on if you have a client or a server extension, however, the services are available as client libraries as well as as services. This API is typically found in packages called com.ibm.team.common and the interfaces are usually named.Common for example IWorkItemCommon. In some cases the required services are provided by the extension mechanism.

This allows to write some extensions that run on the server, as well as on the client. A good example are providers. You can find examples in these posts. RTC Client API The RTC Client API is used in Extensions to any of the Eclipse based RTC clients as well as in the RTC Plain Java Client Libraries.

This API is typically found in packages called com.ibm.team.client and the interfaces are usually named.Client for example IWorkItemClient. The RTC Client API is shipped with the RTC SDK and partially shipped with the Plain Java Client Libraries. The Client API is shipped twice?

Why would anyone do that? RTC Client API The reason for shipping the client API in the RTC SDK and the Plain Java Client Libraries is really simple. You need it in the SDK to develop extensions for the Eclipse based RTC clients.

The SDK provides you with the source code and allows to search the code in the Eclipse Plugin Development Environment PDE. Strictly speaking, you would not need the source code to develop the extensions, because the Eclipse client has the relevant parts of the API already installed as plug in’s and that is enough to be able to write extensions. However, it makes development so much easier.

The RTC (client) SDK also ships some internal classes and tests that you can use to find examples for the API usage. Plain Java Client Libraries If you just want to run a small Java application to do some automation outside of the Eclipse client, you would need only the JAR files for the API, and some JAR files that it depends upon. It would be quite some effort to identify the JAR files in the Eclipse client you need.

So the Plain Java Client Libraries has the required JAR files bundled for you to use. This makes setting up a Plain Java Client application you developed much easier. The Plain Java Client Libraries ship only the documented and public API. They are missing a lot of RTC Eclipse client specific code.

The post provides an extensive example for using the API to create and modify work items. Extending Eclipse based Clients When mentioning you can develop Extensions to the Eclipse based RTC Client s, that was no typo. The Jazz SCM Command Line as well as the Jazz Build Engine and Toolkit are also Eclipse based clients that can be extended. You can find an example for extending the Jazz Build Toolkit in. The Eclipse Extension mechanism works for all Eclipse based clients. There are several posts on this blog that talk about the client API. For Example.

What is the Difference Between Client And Server API Although you can often reuse the client API some things are different in the client and the server API so you need to be careful. The Services and Client Libraries have differences in how they are called and what they provide.

Creating, getting and manipulating elements is sometimes slightly different in both API’s and you might need data on the server that you don’t have on the client and the other way round. What can you Extend and Access? The Server API allows to extend. The RTC Server with operational behavior, event handling, jobs and the like. The Client API allows to extend. The Jazz Build Engine and the Build System Toolkit. The SCM Command Line.

The RTC Eclipse client. Potentially any other Eclipse based client The Client API allows you to access. The RTC server and the data in its repository. Parts of the JTS server, for example the User and License management What can’t you extend?

As far as I know you can not extend the Visual Studio Client, nor the Windows Shell, because both are not Eclipse based. The available are explained here. Why is the API Designed the Way it is? If you start working against the API, you will realize that, from a human perspective, sometimes things appear overly complicated. For example if you, you need to look up all the literals to find one that has the same Label value as your string you want to use to set it. My personal view on this is, the API is a byproduct of what needed to be developed to design clients and servers. In the client for example, you will typically have views, that need to show more than one element.

Or you have drop down boxes to select enumeration values. This just requires to get at all the data such as literals, project areas etc. Needed to be displayed in that context. There is just no need to be able to provide a method that takes some string and looks up an item that has a display value that matches that string. If you want it to be easier, you can always wrap pieces of code up to better fulfill your requirements and reuse that code. Don’t Mix Client and Server API You need to be really careful, to understand what client API is and what server API.

Client API usually has clientin the package name and you get the services with getClientLibrary calls. Server code usually has serverin the package name and you get services using gerService from the AbstractService type you extend.

There are some packages with commonin the package name, and contain common code that can be used on client and server. Still, you would get the common classes using getService on the Server and the analogous Client Library with getClientLibrary on the client. If you mix the Client and the Server API in a server extension, you might find it works in Jetty – because that potentially has the client and the server part available in the SDK.

Rtc Client Api

But once you deploy the extension on the server it will not load because it can’t find the required bundles. The same applies for client extensions. Hi Ralph, Can you let me know in RTC client can I add or remove the context menu option. When we browse the work ticket through our query in query window we get list of work-ticket matching those query. Now when we right click on any column of any work ticket we get some context menu options related with those work ticket. I want to disable some of the context menu in RTC client. Please help me how can I do that.

I tried below steps: 1. Added RTC -SDK 4.0.2 into target of RTC plugin development.

Windows-preferences - target 2. Created new plugin project 3.Changed plugin.xml But nothing works. Please can help me. Regards, Vinod Kumar Singh. Hi Vinod, if you want to contribute to context and other menus in the RTC Eclipse client, this is rather an Eclipse question.

Rtc Client Api Expressions Guide

I would suggest to go to and search there for how to do it. For example:.

You schuld also consider to get yourself a book around Eclipse Extensions. I have created menu contributions in the past and also extended existing menus. Menus are provided using just some extension points and there are also examples available as templates if you create a plugin project. Having said that, you can extend menus, if you know the menu paths. You can typically not remove menus. To do that, you would have to remove the associated xml from other contributing plug in’s. Eclipse is made for extending and not reducing capabilities.

Hi Ralph, Thank you for your response. I have been developing some plugin for RTC but now that I have to remove some options from popup menu when we right click on any object. I have to disable those option that I don’t want common users to use it. It should be like admin restrictions. I don’t see option to send you the screenshot or else I would send you the screenshot for some popup menu from which I want to disable some of the options from it or complete remove those options from that popup menu. Using plugin spy I know the exact class that is responsible for displaying those popup menu. But my changes are not even reflecting anything in RTC neither my code is going in debug mode for client RTC.

I don’t know why RTC client is going in debug mode. 😦 Kindly guild me on this. Thanks and Regards, Vinod Kumar Singh. As mentioned in my first reply, there is, as far as I can tell, no mechanism to suppress other plugin’s extensions in Eclipse. This has nothing to do with RTC API’s, but is mainly an Eclipse extending issue.

You can only extend Eclipse, not limit it (as far as I know). This is also more an Eclipse question, so you should probably look for help in the Eclipse forums. The only way I would think remotely possible, to remove menu items, would be to find the JAR file that contains the extensions plugin.xml that contributes the menu, to uncompress said Jar, to hack the XML and remove (for all users) the menu definition, to repack the hacked Jar and to copy it over the original. I’d consider that unsafe and would opt against that attempt. The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's position, strategies or opinions. Anyone is free to use, copy, distribute, modify the source code and other materials directly linked from rsjazz.wordpress.com if agreeing to the license statement in the posts, in case there is one available. All content is provided 'as is' and without warranties.

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About the RTC Client API The Real-time Communications (RTC) Client API is a set of COM interfaces and methods designed to create PC-PC, PC-phone, phone-phone audio/video calls, or text-only Instant Messaging (IM) sessions over the Internet. Application sharing and can also be added to PC-PC sessions. Is used to track the location of buddies (or contacts) for communication purposes. This information is available through the RTC Client API on a SIP registrar server.

The RTC Client API:. Supports multiparty phone-phone calls. Uses SIP-based signaling and presence communications. Integrates with the Microsoft® Office RTC proxy and registrar server. Supports provisioning with ITSPs or third-party corporate-deployed servers. Integrates signals over IP and PSTN networks RTC Client API Version 1.2 A number of fundamental additions to the RTC core API have been added to support roaming and logical grouping functionality, as well as user search behaviors.

Rtc server

These additions and changes will be denoted specifically. RTC Client API Version 1.3 Enhanced MPOP support, additional client security options, marshalling support, and support for new Microsoft® Office Live Communications Server features have been added.