Jailbreak Iphone 4s Ios 6.1.3

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  1. Jailbreak Iphone 4s 6.1.3
  2. Jailbreak Iphone 4s Ios 6.1.3 Redsn0w

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 Instructions: Step 1: First thing that you need to do is to. Step 2: Download Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 and Launch it. Step 3: Now move further and Click the Extras button and click on Select IPSW.

Oh cool, an actual 9.3.5 jailbreak is out! Alright then, no need to go through the hassle from this post, here's a much easier way. Apr 03, 2013 Following the news that Apple had plugged the Evasi0n untethered jailbreak for A5+ powered iPhone 5, iPad and other new devices with the release of iOS 6.1. Step by step instructions: How to Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 iPhone 4 / 3GS / iPod Touch with Redsn0w. Download Redsn0w, iOS 6.1.3, iOS 6.1.3 iPSW and more.

After that navigate Redsn0w to the unaltered iOS 6.0 IPSW which you have already downloaded. Step No 4: While running Redsn0w, click on jailbreak and follow the instructions provided. Shortly afterwards you will be reminded to select and install Cydia. Step No 5: After you complete the earlier steps you will be informed to enter DFU mode with the assistance of the Redsn0w wizard. If you have successfully completed all the steps, Redsn0w should start and the process of jailbreak using the Limera1n exploit should begin. If you want to install more tweaks and packages to your device you can install it from Cydia.

Final note: It is important not to forget that this is tethered jailbreak so if your phone loses power due to malfunction or reboots it will be back on the state before it was jailbreaked. But this time if you want to return it to the current state all you have to do is to plug your phone to your computer, start Redsn0w, select Extras and select the Just Boot option and the process of jailbreak automatically will start. How To Unlock iOS 6.1.3 iPhone The newest Apple iOS firmware can be unlocked with Ultrasn0w, SAM tool, X-sim, Gevey sim, R-sim card and factory unlock method. Read more here to. Enjoy your latest iOS 6.1.3 jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch devices.

And search before posting. Want your device type and iOS version next to your username?

Latest Jailbreaks iOS 11.0.x-11.1.x jailbreaks ( INCOMPLETE): (no Cydia, prominent developers only. Use at your own risk).

iOS 10.x jailbreaks for 64-bit devices:. (A7-A9 & iOS 10.3.x only) (Includes Cydia and Substrate ).

(Prominent developers only ). This jailbreak is in BETA. IOS 11.2 and later do not have a jailbreak.

For a full list of firmwares and jailbreak tools. Subreddit Filters Useful. Help and Answers. Got a confusing Cydia error message?. Jailbreaking question? First try and sorting by 'new'. Also consider trying the.

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Curious about how jailbreaks work?. What to install?. Unofficial Cydia search sites:,. Jailbreak News and Reviews News:, YouTube:.

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Visit the wiki for a Subreddits We Like. Subreddits for specific tweaks:. Subreddit banner by. Oh cool, an actual 9.3.5 jailbreak is out! Alright then, no need to go through the hassle from this post, here's a much easier way: Beehind download link: OBSOLETED, do not follow, now that a 9.3.5 jailbreak is out. This is a tutorial for downgrading an iPhone 4S on iOS 9.3-iOS 9.3.4 to iOS 6.1.3, utilizing just Windows.

After the release of the Trident ipa as shown here:, I decided to give it a shot. And to my surprise, it worked!

I managed to downgrade a spare 4S to iOS 6.1.3 without using Odysseus however, making the process a lot easier. Note: I've only tried to do this with the 4S, as that's what the site said I could do. EDIT: You may want to turn certain things off like your iPhone passcode, Find My iPhone, etc. You can turn it back on later. EDIT 2: This tutorial is not limited to the iPhone 4S; it can work for the iPad 2 as well. However, you have to have a Trident ipa with the correct offsets for the iPad 2. As I don't have an iPad 2 to test, I will not be linking those ipas.

You can probably find some of them on posts. The ipa I linked is strictly for the iPhone 4S on 9.3-9.3.4. EDIT 3: Once your device is in DFU mode, hold your power button until you hear the 'device connected' sound in Windows. Then, it should be able to discover device mode. Thanks for the advice! Added this to step 8. A list of programs needed:.

Beehind v0.5 beta. Cydia Impactor (c'mon, I don't have to link that, right?). iOS 6.1.3 IPSW for iPhone 4S (this too?).

libimobiledevice MinGW Build. The Trident root access app. Unzip Beehind, libimobiledevice, and Trident.

Rename the file extension of the iOS 6.1.3 firmware from.zip to.ipsw. Run Beehind as administrator. Muppets dublado. Make sure not to just double click it; if you do, end the process in Task Manager and run it in administrator. Click OK to the warning that pops up. Click 'Choose' and select your 6.1.3 ipsw. Press 'Yes' to the OTA signature thing, and make sure your 4S is plugged in to your PC via USB. Click the blue 'New Apple device found!'

Button and wait for the ECID to be dumped, and click 'Yes'. Next, click 'Build IPSW'. This took 1.5minutes on my PC. That is all you need. After it tells you that it has created a folder with the custom ipsw on your desktop, exit out of Beehind. Make sure it's gone from Task Manager as well, just in case.

Open Cydia Impactor. Drag the Trident ipa into Cydia Impactor and enter your Apple ID and password, yadi-yada. Then, once its' installed, remember to go into Device Management and trust the profile. Alright, now open the Trident app and click 'Start'. In a few seconds it will say 'Waiti Exec Sleep Mode'.

EDIT: Not every Trident ipa you find will say this. This is relegated to this one ipa I have linked. In most cases it will say 'w00t root', which is normal as well.

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That's your cue to put your device into DFU mode. And don't worry if it begins glitching on the screen; no big deal. Open the libimobiledevice folder in File Explorer, click 'File' in the top left corner, hover over the arrow to the right side of the 'Open command prompt' button, and click 'Open command prompt as administrator'. You probably don't need to do this but just in case.

Next, put your device in DFU mode. Type 'idevicediagnostics sleep' (without quotes, obv) and enter. It may give you an error saying it wasn't put into sleep mode, but ignore it. A few seconds later your phone will seem like it has turned off, and won't turn back on. EDIT: Hold your power button until you hear the 'device plugged in' sound from Windows. Now it should be in DFU mode.

If it ends up in recovery mode (screen on telling you to plug in to iTunes), download ReiBoot to get out of recovery mode). Open the custom ipsw folder on your desktop created a while ago by Beehind and drag the custom ipsw (leave the other 2 files in the folder, they don't do anything) into the libimobiledevice folder.

You can choose to rename it if you want. I renamed it 'downgrade.ipsw'.

Type 'idevicerestore -e downgrade.ipsw'. Change 'downgrade.ipsw' to whatever you named your ipsw. (And just in case it still isn't clear, don't include the quotes.). Alright, assuming you've done everything correctly, all you have to do is wait for the automatic process to happen. There should be a Beehind logo on screen with a bar to tell you how far along the process is.

The command prompt will fill with messages of the downgrade/restore process. It took me 5 minutes of waiting for everything to finish. There may be errors and warnings along the way; but they shouldn't be anything significant. If the command prompt seems to be stuck on a message, no problem; just be patient.

Jailbreak Iphone 4s 6.1.3

I actually pressed a few letters on my keyboard because I was getting worried but voila, it decides to move right when I did it. Welcome back to iOS 6! How was the laghole known as iOS 9? I did this without any fear of the baseband problem because I don't use this phone anymore, so I've never dealt with it.

Jailbreak Iphone 4s Ios 6.1.3 Redsn0w

If you're paranoid, I suggest you don't do it.